6 in 1 Vaccines for Babies – Why It's a Consideration for Every Parent.


6 in 1 Vaccines for Babies – Why It's a Consideration for Every Parent


How does vaccination work?

What is the 6-in-1 vaccine?

Understanding 6 diseases and ways to prevent them

Recommended age for 6-in-1 vaccination

Benefits of 6-in-1 vaccination

Can the combination of multiple antigens cause more side effects?

Timely vaccination is important, especially in the first years of a child's life. Vaccinating children protects them from a number of serious diseases that their immune systems may not otherwise be able to fight.

How does vaccination work?

An attenuated or weakened form of a virus or bacteria that causes disease/illness is administered by vaccination. Our body is designed to produce antibodies that can repel any foreign antigen. In the future, if any of these viruses or bacteria enter the body, these antibodies can attack them, which can protect the person against the disease.


Children with developing immune systems receive multiple vaccinations over the first few years. Some parents want to protect their children from this pain. Thanks to advances in vaccination, combination vaccines like the 6-in-1 vaccine now help protect children without the hassle of getting multiple shots.

What is the 6-in-1 vaccine?

Just like the standard, the 6-in-1 vaccine is a single vaccine that protects a newborn against six serious diseases, including diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), hepatitis B, Hib disease (Haemophilus influenzae type B), polio and tetanus. Combination vaccinations mean fewer visits to the doctor, fewer injections and pain for your baby, and of course more benefits!


Understanding 6 diseases and ways to prevent them

This combination vaccine protects young children against six infectious diseases. For example:

1. Polio

Unhealthy conditions and contaminated water and food are the causes of polio. It mainly affects children under the age of five. Untreated or incorrect treatment can result in permanent disability, such as paralysis and even death. Polio can be prevented with good hygiene, proper hygiene and proper vaccination.


2. Pertussis

Also known as whooping cough, pertussis is a respiratory disease transmitted through contaminated water or airborne particles. Because it is highly contagious, children should be kept away from anyone who has the infection. Pertussis can be prevented by isolation from an infected person and vaccination.

3. Diphtheria

Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that primarily affects the nose and throat of children. It can cause serious problems like breathing problems, lung infections, paralysis etc. from an infected person

4. Hib Disease (Haemophilus influenzae type b)

Hib is a bacterial disease that causes pneumonia, meningitis and other serious illnesses in children under the age of five. Hepatitis B can be prevented with good hygiene, proper hygiene, adherence and vaccination

5. Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a viral disease known to cause liver damage. It can be both chronic and terrifying. A pregnant mother can pass the infection to her child at birth. Hepatitis B can be prevented by avoiding contact with blood and body fluids of infected people, practicing good hygiene and getting vaccinated.


6. Tetanus

Tetanus is a bacterial disease that causes muscle stiffness in the neck, jaw and other parts of the body. It often enters the host body through cuts and wounds, but proper wound care and vaccination can prevent tetanus. Tetanus can be prevented with proper wound care and maintenance and vaccination.

Recommended age for 6-in-1 vaccination

Adhering to the schedule recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), this DTP–IPV–HIB–HEPB should be given to infants at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age. The 6-in-1 vaccine provides protection against these 6 diseases. If your child misses a routine vaccination, that's not a problem, talk to your child's pediatrician about re-vaccination. For additional information, please consult your pediatrician.


Benefits of 6-in-1 vaccination

The 6-in-1 vaccine offers a variety of benefits to both children and parents.

Benefits for children:


Protection at the right time

Less injection pain

Less pain and discomfort with multiple injections

Benefits for parents:

More benefits

Fewer visits to pediatricians

Taking fewer breaks from work or family activities

Can the combination of multiple antigens cause more side effects?

Side effects from the 6-in-1 vaccine are the same as individual vaccinations. Swelling or pain at the injection site may be slightly more common with combination vaccines, but it will be less than the swelling and pain of multiple injections. Other side effects, similar to most vaccines, include fever, malaise, and loss of appetite.


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